This video features PODER, an organization that organizes with Latino immigrant families and youth to put into practice people-powered solutions that are locally based, community led and environmentally just. 

¡Después de 5 años de organizarse con la comunidad local, PODER presenta Hummingbird Farm! La ceremonia de inauguración dio a conocer el nuevo nombre y reunió a la comunidad para deleitarse y plantar semillas en la tierra que rodea la granja. El evento fue organizado por PODER y la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de San Francisco, y es un excelente ejemplo de lo que una organización puede lograr mediante la creación de poder con su comunidad para crear salud y equidad alimentaria.

After 5 years of organizing and gathering community input, PODER unveils Hummingbird Farm! The opening ceremony unveiled the new name and gathered the community to feast and plant seeds on the land around the farm. The event was hosted by PODER and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and is an excellent example of what an organization can accomplish through building power with their community to create health and food equity!

Please visit their website and learn more and find ways to donate or support.

This feature is a Communities Building Power for Health (CBPH) production, and part of a multimedia case study.