This video features Nollie Jenkins Family Center, a grassroots organization based in Durant, Mississippi that is working towards improving the lives of young women and girls as well as the health and wellness of their community.

Please visit their website and Facebook page to learn more and find ways to donate or support:

"NJFC visualizes an energized and involved community where all people, young and old, are valued, nurtured and supported as we work together to build and sustain communities that are purposeful in ensuring that the environmental, political, cultural, recreational, educational, economic, spiritual needs of its citizens are actualized and preserved."

"Our mission is to advance the fundamental goal of empowering the citizens of the community by developing grassroots leaders and organizers through the building of strong community organizations as the essential means by which they are enabled to hold the political, educational, and environmental systems accountable to the needs and interests of the African-American community!

Our mission is to advance the fundamental goal of empowering the citizens of the community by developing grassroot leaders and organizers through the building of strong community organizations as the essential means by which they are enabled to hold the political, educational, and environmental systems accountable to the needs and interests of the African-American community!" - from Nollie Jenkins Website.

This feature is a Communities Building Power for Health (CBPH) production, and part of a multimedia case study.