Recognizing Healing-Centered Community Practices as a Complement to Trauma-Informed Interventions and Services


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There has been increasing attention towards the need for interventions to address and mitigate the role of trauma in individual and community wellbeing. The list of trauma-informed services and interventions seems to grow by the day. While these service developments are a welcome change from previous methods to improve community health and wellbeing, discussions with basebuilding community partners in 2018 have uplifted community-centered healing practices that have helped our communities to endure and survive over time. In 2020, with the unveiling of inequities by COVID-19, continuation of Black Lives Matter protests, and ongoing trauma caused by systemic bias and racism, these community-centered findings need to be (re)introduced. The purpose of this brief is to showcase the importance of addressing community trauma through identifying and making space for healing-centered practices that communities have evolved over time, acknowledging and understanding the roots of trauma, and addressing the persistent, structural causes of trauma. From Praxis’ intentional dialogues with basebuilding and frontline community organizers, we describe how trauma shows up in our communities and institutions, how it can be addressed through community- centered healing, and the role that trusted partners can take in supporting community healing.

Recognizing Healing-Centered Community Practices as a Complement to Trauma-Informed Interventions and Services is a resource from the Centering Community in Public Health - Learning Circle Brief Series.

+ Social Media Kit

Community orgzing is rooted in healing; community-centered love, connection, & restoration that cultivates communal power. See @Praxis_Project's brief ft their Learning Circle collective of basebuilding orgs & their lessons on overcoming community trauma:

Black, brown & Indigenous communities have centuries organized through trauma in effort to bring health and justice to their communities. What lessons can health and other allied professions take? Check out @Praxis_Project's brief to learn more:

From trauma informed to healing centered approaches, overcoming community wide trauma is key to advancing health & justice in BIPOC communities. See @Praxis_Project's brief ft the lessons of their Learning Circle collective of basebuilding orgs:

From community orgizing to institutional change, @Praxis_Project's Learning Circle collective of grassroot orgs share healing centered practices to further the work for health and justice in their communities. Check out their latest brief for more:


The Praxis Project (2020, August). Recognizing Healing-Centered Community Practices as a Complement to Trauma-Informed Interventions and Services. Retrieved from

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